Hello !!

Welcome to my blog !! I hope you are going to like and visit me !! jajaja !! well the things that you see below are the topic that I am doing in the class of social sciences. I hope you like !!

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011


The birth places of Islam were Mecca and Medina. The Islamic territories on the death of Muhammad were : gran part of Arabia.
And the limits of the muslims world at the end of the 8 th century were: In Persia, Egypt and Al- Andalus.

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011


The koran was the sacred book of the Muslims.



He was prophet from Mecca , he born in Mecca, in 570. In 622 , he scape from Mecca to Medina this is known us Hijra.

Byzantine Empire and Justinian

The Byzantine Empire it las for another 10 centuries. Its capital was Constantinople. The most important byzantine emperor was Justinian . He ruled with his wife Theodora between 527 and 565. He conquered many territories in North Africa , The Iberian Peninsula and Italy.

After Justinian`s Death , The Byzantine Empire began to lose territory.

  • The Lombards conquered part of Italy
  • The Visigoths expelled the Byzantines from the Iberian Peninsula.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011


The middle ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5 th century and ended with the start of modern age in the 15 th century .

The society in the Roman Empire was divided in to 2 groups:

  • Patricians : Were the minority of the rich people.ç
  • Plebeians : Were the majority of the population.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011